And leave to Me the deniers—the people of luxury—and bear with them for a little while.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

˹For˺ We certainly have shackles, a ˹raging˺ Fire,

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

choking food, and a painful punishment ˹in store for them˺

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

on the Day the earth and mountains will shake ˹violently˺, and mountains will be ˹reduced to˺ dunes of shifting sand.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

Indeed, We have sent to you a messenger as a witness over you, just as We sent a messenger to Pharaoh.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

But Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger, so We seized him with a stern grip.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

If you ˹pagans˺ persist in disbelief, then how will you guard yourselves against ˹the horrors of˺ a Day which will turn children’s hair grey?

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

It will ˹even˺ cause the sky to split apart. His promise ˹of judgment˺ must be fulfilled.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

Surely this is a reminder. So let whoever wills take the ˹Right˺ Way to their Lord.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

Surely your Lord knows that you ˹O Prophet˺ stand ˹in prayer˺ for nearly two-thirds of the night, or ˹sometimes˺ half of it, or a third, as do some of those with you. Allah ˹alone˺ keeps a ˹precise˺ measure of the day and night. He knows that you ˹believers˺ are unable to endure this, and has turned to you in mercy.1 So recite ˹in prayer˺ whatever you can from the Quran. He knows that some of you will be sick, some will be travelling throughout the land seeking Allah’s bounty, and some fighting in the cause of Allah. So recite whatever you can from it. And ˹continue to˺ perform ˹regular˺ prayers, pay alms-tax, and lend to Allah a good loan.2 Whatever good you send forth for yourselves, you will find it with Allah far better and more rewarding.3 And seek Allah’s forgiveness. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

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