Or do they have associate-gods ˹supporting this claim˺? Then let them bring forth their associate-gods, if what they say is true.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

˹Beware of˺ the Day the Shin ˹of Allah˺ will be bared,1 and the wicked will be asked to prostrate, but they will not be able to do so,

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

with eyes downcast, totally covered with disgrace. For they were ˹always˺ called to prostrate ˹in the world˺ when they were fully capable ˹but they chose not to˺.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

So leave to Me ˹O Prophet˺ those who reject this message. We will gradually draw them to destruction in ways they cannot comprehend.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

I ˹only˺ delay their end for a while, but My planning is flawless.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

Or are you asking them for a reward ˹for the message˺ so that they are overburdened by debt?

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

Or do they have access to ˹the Record in˺ the unseen, so they copy it ˹for all to see˺?

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

So be patient with your Lord’s decree, and do not be like ˹Jonah,˺ the Man of the Whale, who cried out ˹to Allah˺, in total distress.1

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

Had he not been shown grace by his Lord, he would have certainly been cast onto the open ˹shore˺, still blameworthy.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

Then his Lord chose him, making him one of the righteous.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

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